Weeknote for 3/9/2025



Ben Richā€™s memoir Skunk Works gave me an aeronautics angle on adaptive development processes. I wanted to find out how R&D was done at a successful organization outside of software development and before the rise of Agile. Some ingredients of their innovation recipe I picked up on: They had a visionary leader, Kelly Johnson. They assembled a lot of very smart people and let them explore far and wide for solutions. They kept their communication lines short with lots of interaction within and between departments. In spite of the experimental nature of their work, they took their deadlines seriously. They recognized when an idea was a dud and dropped it as soon as they knew. When they had to expand their workforce and settle for lower skill levels, they implemented more safeguards. Aside from all the business and engineering insights, the book was a fascinating tour through an exciting subject, top secret aircraft development during the Cold War.



I worked on a soundtrack for my Daily Jesus Journey. The journey is a schedule I assembled of episodes from Jesusā€™ life that stretches from 6 am to 10 pm, meant to give me a variety of content for meditation at any time of the day. Music is one of the strongest ways to draw me into an experience, so a playlist will help make the episodes real to me. Iā€™m taking my usual approach of listening to a bunch of recordings to discover the ones that most help me. There are 96 episodes in my schedule, so finding music for all those will take a long time, but Iā€™m not in a rush. Iā€™m enjoying finding lots of good music. Right now Iā€™m on the episodes around Jesusā€™ birth and childhood. The songs I focused on that week were ā€œLet All Mortal Flesh Keep Silenceā€ and ā€œOnce in Royal Davidā€™s City.ā€

For the first Friday of my Lenten fasting experiment I fasted during dinner. Yes, it was my birthday, and yes, fasting was a great way to spend it. I think the newness of the experiment contributed to the good mood I had all day. At dinnertime I settled down with my glass of water and searched YouTube for an Ash Wednesday recording to watch, since I was too lazy on Wednesday to attend one. I landed on St. Thomasā€™s Anglican Church in Toronto, a beautiful building and a service way over on the Catholic end, which is just what I was looking for. Normally I zone out during ceremonies waiting for the drudgery to be over, but this time I found the whole thing both entrancing and strangely comforting. However, it did distract me from the fast, so Iā€™m going to try spending my other fasting mealtimes in prayer and meditation.

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Weeknote for 3/2/2025



I explored the application of CPU scheduling to human task management. A computer has a lot of tasks to juggle, and normally it flips between them so seamlessly, you donā€™t notice. How does it do that, and what lessons can I learn? Mainly I wanted to know how the scheduler decides each taskā€™s priority and how long itā€™ll take. That week errands, naps, and doomscrolling crowded my time, but I fit in a few interesting chatbot conversations to collect some ideas on the connections, especially this one with Claude. My prompts were based on some intro articles I found (“Introduction of Process Management“, “CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems“). Researching the terms they brought up directed me to Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (free on the bookā€™s website), so Iā€™m going to read it to dive deeper.

But thatā€™s all a side note. My main task is still to add Eisenhower Matrix prioritizing to my Notion system.



Scot McKnightā€™s Fasting gave me a new perspective for wading back into this spiritual discipline. Fasting is on my radar because studying discipleship has me thinking about the spiritual disciplines, and this is one Iā€™ve mostly avoided because Iā€™m not great at handling hunger. A friend brought up fasting a few weeks ago as helpful training in self-control, and since Lent was starting soon, I decided this would be a good time to look into it again.

McKnight characterizes fasting as a response to a grievous sacred moment, a part of oneā€™s full-body expression of the gravity of a crisis or loss. He contrasts this with an instrumental view where we fast to get something out of it. But here heā€™s talking about short-term benefits, like answers to prayer or weight loss, because he does see a long-term benefit in the form of body discipline, where our character is shaped by this moderate voluntary hardship.

My plan is to try a small amount of fasting for Lent, skipping a meal on Fridays, to see what happens. Iā€™ve done a few fasts at random times in years past, but this will be a more organized and principled attempt. I want to spend that meal time trying to pray, an activity I donā€™t excel at but that seems a natural partner to fasting. Mainly I donā€™t want to get distracted by my usual activities while Iā€™m not eating and forget the reasons Iā€™m doing it.



I returned to my outside walks thanks to the less frigid weather, and they got a little strange.


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I chose some map projections for learning world geography. I donā€™t know when Iā€™ll actually learn it, but the motivation comes up pretty regularly now. Of course, the trouble with world geography is it takes place on a globe, which gets distorted when you flatten the surface onto a screen or a page. If I want to learn by drawing, Iā€™ll need a flat view of the land. I looked through Wikipediaā€™s list of map projections and ended up with three winners that Iā€™d use for different purposes:

  1. Nicolosi globular – Iā€™ll use this for my overview of the continents. Itā€™s an easy shape to draw and preserves the landmass shapes and directions relatively well.
  2. Cahill-Keyes – Iā€™ll use this if I want to preserve the shapes extra well, maybe once I start learning the countries. It keeps landmasses mostly together rather than carving up Antarctica or Greenland. Itā€™s a harder shape to draw, but itā€™s easier to rough out than the commonly used Goode homolosine. It preserves directions less well, since the equator meanders up and down, but theyā€™re still stable enough that you can roughly tell where north is. Alternatively I could use multiple orthographic projections centered on each region the way Wikipedia displays countries.
  3. Robinson – Iā€™ll use this if I want a very easy and familiar way to visualize the whole globe with consistent directions. Itā€™s very well known, since Rand McNally has used it since 1963. The shapes are overall less distorted than many similar projections, but it stretches the shapes near the poles, especially Antarctica, which is smeared all across the bottom.


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Weeknote for 2/23/2025



I got a bit more clarity on the idea of task urgency in the Eisenhower Matrix. I realized urgency is tied to how soon a task is due. But not every task has the same kind of due date. Some are more like a deadline and others like an expiration date. Iā€™d like to create a few rough categories to describe the type of due date. Iā€™ll combine the due date type and an estimated start-by date to calculate a rough urgency score. Then when Iā€™m prioritizing my tasks, I can sort by that score to narrow down my options. Once Iā€™ve added all that, the next step is to analyze the idea of task importance.

In my schedule tracker I added some time quotas for my work projects. Itā€™s easy to let my higher priority projects get crowded out by lower priority tasks. A suggestion from my boss about deep work targets based on his own schedule tracking reminded me I already do that with my personal projects, aiming for 5 to 10 hours a week, so I added a similar feature for work, aiming for 5 hours a day. Itā€™s been enlightening watching myself fall short.



I learned some European history from a book by my friend Tim. He wrote a mini-biography of St. Patrick as a personal project and gave me a spiral-bound copy, complete with his beautiful hand-drawn maps and calligraphically lettered royal family tree. It was interesting to put the pieces Iā€™d heard of Patrickā€™s life in context, and I enjoyed tracing his movements on the map of the island. But for me the most valuable part was the appendix on the history and geography of Europe in the 400s when Patrick lived. History has always felt like an impenetrable mass of irrelevant details, and itā€™s been a lifelong quest to find some connection with it. Timā€™s appendix condensed the right sized chunk of history into the right level of summary to paint a satisfying picture of what happened and whyā€”in this case how the Western Roman Empire gave way to Germanic successor states. Reading the progression of events and following them on the maps also brought me another step closer to my project of finally learning geography, which is feeling more important as more of the world crowds into my news feeds.

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Weeknote for 2/16/2025



I finished simplifying the way I register in Notion which tasks I work on in a day. Why do I even want to keep track of this? Because my memory is such a fog that I grasp at any straws I can to keep ahold of the past. Plus it could conceivably show me patterns in the way I work so I can make improvements. However, listing the tasks I worked on each day was taking too many steps. I had to open the project I was working on, add an entry to its calendar for that day, open the entry, search for the task I was working on, and click to add it to the dayā€™s list of tasks. Tedious. Now with my new approach, Notion automatically adds each new day to the calendar, and in the task Iā€™m working on, I merely click a link that adds the task to the dayā€™s entry via a Make scenario I coded. Much easier.

This week Iā€™m thinking through how I can apply the Eisenhower Matrix to help me prioritize tasks. This is the technique that places tasks into four quadrants based on how urgent and important they are. I thought itā€™d be a simple matter of adding Urgency and Importance properties to the Tasks database, but no. I fell down a rabbit hole of analyzing what makes a task urgent. Hopefully in a few days I can emerge with some conclusions.



I was feeling well enough to venture back out into the cold. I was still working from home last week, so I took a few snowy walks nearby. I also did the water chloride testing that I meant to do at the beginning of the month.

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Weeknote for 2/9/2025



Iā€™m dealing with the remnants of my illness. My fever was gone Monday, but I still worked from home to spare my coworkers my coughing and any leftover germs. Iā€™m probably not very contagious at this point, but I don’t think Iā€™ll feel quite well until my congestion is gone. Iā€™ve also been very tired, maybe from a lack of my customary coffee. When I wasnā€™t obsessing over the news, I spent a lot of my evenings napping.



Friday I flew down to Texas for Jasonā€™s memorial service. I stayed with my parents, and the next morning we drove over to Tyler, like we did for his wedding. The service was a fitting tribute to his life put together by people who clearly knew and loved him. The photo video spoke of a life filled with family. The songs we sang and the sermon spoke of the fulfillment of our longings and expectations in heaven. With my recent attention to the new creation theme in the New Testament, I found the message gratifying. After the service we stayed for lunch. I was glad for the chance to connect with each of Jasonā€™s family that I knew and also to reconnect with Dan, one of our college friends who I hadnā€™t seen since graduation. Although piecing together the meaning of Jasonā€™s absence will continue for everyone who was close to him, the day reminded me of the significance of gathering to remember and to say goodbye till we meet him again.



In my discipleship study I finished a brief survey of humanity’s catalog of virtues. I was relieved I could push myself to this little milestone when I spent most of the week journaling about the news. My first major goal in the study is to get a sense of the aims of discipleship, mainly around character, and I wanted to put the New Testamentā€™s teaching in the context of other systematic thought people have done on the issue. This article by Scott Jeffrey was a helpful source along similar lines. Now Iā€™m listening to The Moral Vision of the New Testament by Richard Hays, which Iā€™ll use to guide me through the New Testamentā€™s picture of character.



I ranked my current priorities on my productivity system to arrive at a starting point for this round of updates. It wasnā€™t much progress, but it was real, and it felt like a small victory over the troubles of the week. The priority Iā€™ll start with is simplifying my day-task registration. Itā€™s an improvement I can make fairly easily that will eliminate a daily irritation in using my system. So thatā€™s my aim for this week.

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Weeknote for 2/2/2025



I got sick for the second time in a month. It started out as a cough on Tuesday and then by noon Wednesday had turned into a 102.6 fever. Iā€™d slept all that morning and could barely move. Eventually I forced myself out of bed, groggily choked down a little lunch, and went back to bed. In the evening my temperature was down to 99.4 but then hit 102.7 in the middle of Wednesday night. After that it dropped a degree each day, and my energy gradually improved, but this fever lasted a disturbingly long time when I was used to a day or two at most. The whole time my sleep felt chaoticā€”swinging between hot and sweaty and cold and clammy, with a constant flicker of confusing fever dreams. And my congested cough stubbornly remained. My COVID tests were negative, so it was probably something normal like the flu, even though I had my flu shot. But this American Medical Association video told me unusual infections have been going around, so who knows?



I learned that my old college roommate Jason had died in a car accident. It happened Tuesday night on his way home from work. I learned about it the next night when I was contacted by his wife. Iā€™d met her at their wedding only last Thanksgiving. I couldnā€™t really take in the accident at the time, but over the next day the reality did sink in. And with that and my illness, plus whatever work I could get through, I decided not to push myself that week, and I focused on doing my part in sharing the news.

Jason was his own animalā€”fun loving and relational, always a hatā€™s drop away from a deep connection. He was always ready to impart his unique perspective on life, born out of his own struggles, a message of grace, trust, and a dose of contrarian thought. One of his friends pointed out this short video as a good example of Jasonā€™s spirit. It was part of his digital marketing phase, one of several attempts to find his place in the world of work. For a few years after college he made his home in the missions organization YWAM, primarily at their base in Hawaii, and from my outside perspective YWAM felt like a defining feature of his life, a very natural fit for Jasonā€™s style. But for reasons I forget, he later made his exit and began his quest for a career he could settle into. Nothing in life ever set quite right with Jason, and I was privy to many interesting critiques of whatever circumstances he found himself in. But eventually I gained the sense he felt most at home when he was taking care of people, and home health care is what he came back to in the end.

The memory of Jason that stands out most is the last time I drove out to visit him over Christmas, back in 2022. It was a welcome change of scenery during a difficult weekā€”a vacation within a vacation, you could say. I toured his section of his brotherā€™s house and met his beautiful little dog and caught up on life over a walk through the woods, and I felt the life-giving effects of being heard on the real parts of my life and trusted with the real parts of his, a regular occurrence with Jason. He had a gift for cutting to the emotional heart of things, simultaneously calming and energizing the conversation. In the words of our friend Mark, ā€He really was a remarkable person.ā€


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My daily devotional time and some Immanuel prayer gave me space to work through the weekā€™s events. I felt oppressed by my fever, my fatigue, my sore throat and cough, the unexpected and violent end to my friendā€™s life, my concern for his family, my anxiety over sharing the news, and my judgment of my own emotions. The political news didnā€™t help either. But each morning I had at least half an hour carved out to interact with God over the dayā€™s burdens as I journaled. It reminded me to put things in broader perspective, and it clarified what was important to me and what I could do about it. And when things got extra tough, I brushed off my Immanuel prayer skills and led myself through a session. As often happens it led me to a state of deep calm, and I could move ahead in a better state of mind. I can already tell Iā€™ll need a lot more of that to curb my doomscrolling.

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Weeknote for 1/26/2025



Iā€™m diving back into my productivity system update. My task management has been languishing under my awkward system while the holidays and other things took precedence. But now Iā€™m getting back to it, if I can get past some invoicing early in the week. Here are the outcomes Iā€™m targeting for this iteration:

  1. Facilitate prioritizing tasks.
  2. Simplify managing a taskā€™s stages.
  3. Centralize a topicā€™s notes across tasks and meetings.
  4. Simplify the structure of a topicā€™s notes.
  5. Simplify the way I register the tasks I work on each day.

I developed a way to get my work emails into Notion. As usual, I havenā€™t been waiting to tinker with my system. I already had a way to easily email Notion tasks to myself. But a couple of weeks ago I saw that coordinating my open tasks in Outlook and Notion would be easier if the link went in both directions. I needed to add Notion tasks from Outlook too. So I took a couple of afternoons to create a browser bookmarklet that sends info from an open email to a Make scenario, which then creates a Notion task based on it.



The insurance issue got resolved quicker than I expected. My medication is on its way to me from the new pharmacy. I was expecting the insurance to want a brand new prior authorization just because of the pharmacy switch, which wouldā€™ve taken weeks, but it turned out my old one was still good. And this time there was no hack to threaten my shipment.



On my daily virtual journey through Jesusā€™ life, I made some revisions to the schedule based on Wikipediaā€™s articles on the events. They helped me even out the coverage of notable incidents. And having the article links in the spreadsheet gives me an easy bridge to art, interpretations, liturgical associations, and other information about the episodes. Next I want to turn the schedule into notifications on my phone so I donā€™t forget about it for hours.

On my discipleship study, I added my perennial questions to my framework so I can address them throughout the study. It was satisfying to collect them all in one place. Next Iā€™ll move on to studying my first topic, which will be a sketch of the character traits discipleship aims to cultivate.

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Weeknote for 1/19/2025



In Productive Failure Manu Kapur gave me a bit more courage to try things and fail at them. Itā€™s a deep dive into the research on failure and learning, complete with design principles for lessons that incorporate failure. The idea is that since the two are so strongly connected, we shouldnā€™t leave failure-induced learning to chance but instead embrace it in a thoroughgoing manner. His TEDx talk is a good summary. The book gave me a fuller sense of what learning with a growth mindset could look like. I have loads to learn in my new role at work, so Iā€™ll be using it as a lab for experimenting with this approach.



I dealt with another health insurance hiccup over my medication. Each time this happens, I learn more about how the medical system works and how to manage it better, and so this yearā€™s problem is getting resolved a lot faster than last yearā€™s, and my stress level is much lower. This year the issue is my pharmacy got bought, so the insurance is having me switch to another one. They also wanted me to switch medications, but I declined.



I mostly finished assembling a basic outline of discipleship. The step for the following week was to add my pressing questions where they fit into the outline, and then Iā€™d choose a place in the Bible to start studying this topic. Meanwhile Iā€™m listening to The Complete Book of Discipleship, which is very good so farā€”personable, informative, and challenging.

I assembled a day-long journey through Jesusā€™ life. I felt the need for a body of spiritual things I could redirect my mind to whenever I wanted to raise the level of my thoughts, and I arrived at the idea of a 16-hour schedule of episodes from the Gospels so Iā€™d always have a specific and meaningful option. That week I made a first pass at the schedule, and the next was for revisions. There are different opinions on the exact order of events, but Iā€™m basing my arrangement on the Broadus Harmony of the Gospels by AT Robertson, since I have it and it has a reasonably clear outline.



Saturday I attended an online retirement party for Margaret Webb, the therapist whose seminars trained me in Immanuel Prayer. Itā€™s been a long time since I was involved in her ministry, Alive and Well, but the gathering brought me back to a sense of the communityā€™s depth, and it gave us all a welcome chance to celebrate what a treasure she is. The party was well organized with some sharing from various leaders in the ministry, a trivia game about Margaretā€™s life, and a short but meaningful connection exercise. Silently we each relived our own positive memory that involved Margaret, and then we took turns sharing the title weā€™d given the memory. It brought up emotions for me, as Life Model practices normally do.

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Weeknote for 1/12/2025

Decision making


I got some decision making exercise while settling on some new earbuds. They were the last item in my list of electronics to upgrade. Annoyingly, there were a lot of options with no clear winners. So as usual, I made a spreadsheet to compare them on various metrics, like their customer rating and whether particular review sites recommended them. Decision making is a whole field of research that I aim to learn about in a future project. But for now I have to keep things simple. This time I learned how to combine the scores on these metrics into one score I could sort by. I converted each score into a percentage along that metricā€™s range of scores and then averaged the percentages for each row. After that it wasnā€™t too hard to decide. I ended up with the Anker Soundcore Space A40.



I collected most of the discipleship frameworks I was after and grappled with the churchā€™s theological diversity. I finished Four Views on Christian Spirituality, a good discussion among the contributors but also a discouraging reminder that religious truth isnā€™t as clear cut as Iā€™d like. An essay by a friend on why he chose Catholicism over Orthodoxy didnā€™t improve my mood. But I reminded myself that last year I gained a lot of benefit from my Bible reading and that I can continue doing that while I save the big questions for later, and that thought helped me keep moving. The next task in my discipleship study is to assemble my own rough framework based on the ones from my sources.



I took a lunchtime walk through the woods during our light snow on Friday.


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Weeknote for 1/5/2025



I came down with something Tuesday and spent the week sick. I assumed it was probably COVID, since thatā€™s the only thing I catch anymore, but my tests came up negative, so Iā€™m guessing it was the flu, despite my vaccine a few months ago. Either that or an aggressive cold that hit me with a fever for a day or two. Whatever it is is on its way out, but I still have a bit of a cough.



I decided against rushing through a computer purchase for my undefined AI projects. I was going to try to order something before any potential tariffs landed. But as I began researching, I realized I knew too little about both computer hardware and my future AI projects to make a comfortably informed decision. I also realized I could save money buying the hardware used, even the GPUs. So I no longer felt the need to rush through an expensive, speculative decision, and Iā€™ll come back to it when Iā€™m actually ready for those projects. Kind of a relief really. Iā€™d rather spend my time on my productivity system.



Iā€™ve been sampling the teas I got for Christmas. Colleen gave me two, Winter Teas and Sweet Tooth Teas. Theyā€™re all very good while being pleasantly mild. With some other teas, Iā€™m tired of them by the end of the cup, or they get bitter, or theyā€™re a little too tart or biting to begin with. What I especially like about these samples is that despite their mildness, I can set the cup down and forget about it, and when I pick it up again, the aroma and flavor welcome me back.



Fleming Rutledge gave the season of Epiphany much more definition for me. Her book Epiphany answered my question of when the church year covers the rest of Jesusā€™ life. Itā€™s largely in this period, which highlights manifestations of his glory. She follows the 1983 Common Lectionary readings and includes the visitation of the magi (the only part of Epiphany I knew about), Jesusā€™ baptism, the wedding at Cana, scenes from his ministry, the Sermon on the Mount, the Transfiguration, and the Great Commission.

I collected some initial thoughts and sources for organizing this yearā€™s Bible study on discipleship. I wanted an overview from my own mind and from experts on the topic so Iā€™d have a rough map of the territory Iā€™d be exploring. I gathered some articles from reference books I have and the contents of other books in my collection. Especially helpful will be The Complete Book of Discipleship by Bill Hull, which Iā€™ll probably listen to. I also want to think more broadly and glean some insight from the other major Christian traditions, so Iā€™m currently listening to Four Views on Christian Spirituality, edited by Bruce Demarest, which covers Orthodoxy, Catholicism, mainline Protestantism, and evangelicalism.

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