I haven’t gotten around to writing about the other things I wanted to write about, and I’ve been occupied with other things today, but I told Kaz I would blog.
I’m doing pretty well. Things at work are good, which is one of the things I want to tell you about, but I’ll get to it later. I felt a little sick last week, which I think was just some kind of allergies because I didn’t have a fever or feel achy or any of the usual overall symptoms; I just had a scratchy throat and then a runny nose. But the Theraflu thin strips I bought worked great for relieving the symptoms, and now I seem to have recovered. As you can see, my sleep schedule is out of whack right now. Feel free to take bets on when that will get back to what normal people call normal. There are other things to say, but I’ll talk about them in another entry.
Tonight one of my friends e-mailed me to tell me her dad died. I don’t think I’d ever met him, but she talked about him fairly often, so it was kind of a shock to me. I’ll post more details later if she gives me permission. Say a prayer for her family.