Weeknote for 8/28/2022



I finished replicating most of my Nirvana task management in Notion so that it’s in a usable state. This week I’ll integrate the task and project properties I migrated from Nirvana into my existing Bulletproof setup, and maybe I’ll get back to importing my Evernote notebooks.



Data-Oriented Programming by Yehonathan Sharvit (author’s related blog posts) affirmed for me that there’s a disciplined way to part from object-oriented design and manage your software’s data separately from its functions. I’m looking forward to trying this style on some project in the near future, and I even feel motivated to learn Clojure at some point (don’t tell Haskell), since data-oriented programming was inspired by it.

People skills


Braving the Wilderness by Brenรฉ Brown was a validating and challenging manifesto on fostering true belonging in our divided society. I was hoping for a bit more detail in her advice, but it was motivating and a little intimidating to hear a vigorous case that the kind of bridging I aspire to is not just a private wish but something I should gather the courage to do.


The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker (TED talk) gave me a road map for making the meetings and get-togethers I find myself hosting more meaningful. It was refreshingly deep and principle driven and covered a range of gathering types, from the avant-garde (her preference, apparently) to the everyday (my preference).

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