I actually got somewhere on my software requirements notes. I’m going to take advantage of my momentum and extend this iteration another week. I’m using the book Writing Great Specifications to learn behavior-driven development on the theory that BDD lets you capture the benefits of a rigorous requirements process while still being agile.
I’m learning to eat my frogs and use the rule of three. I’ve been listening to productivity books in anticipation of this iteration of my productivity system project, and I’m already picking up techniques to add to my practices. Specifically, from Eat That Frog! I’m learning to start with my most important and intimidating tasks and start them without much thought so I don’t talk myself out of it. The rule of three, from The Productivity Project, has you choose your top three tasks for the day based on a view from the future looking back at what you want to have accomplished that day.
I returned to the park where I first wondered what all the plants were, now that I have a way to ID them. I made some interesting discoveries, such as some wild carrots and asparagus.
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