Weeknote for 11/26/2023



I finished the wish list. I ended up choosing several pieces of basic survival gear but only one piece of wall art. I got into the art research and realized it was way too big of a task for just a few days. It’d work better to collect it throughout the year. But it started the mental gears turning, and on a weekend visit to Target I took a side trip into the frames section to begin noting my options.



I’m extending my productivity iteration another few weeks. It technically ended a week ago for my winter housekeeping that I haven’t started, but I have too much unfinished productivity business to let it go. The projects aren’t going to schedule themselves!



I had Thanksgiving dinner with Jeremy’s family. I brought roasted vegetables and ate their turkey and salmon and chatted about nature walks and examined their wall art for ideas. Then we played the Isle of Skye board game I brought, and I gave their son a tutorial on using AI for coding. A pretty packed Thanksgiving. I was grateful they were in town this year.

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2 Responses to Weeknote for 11/26/2023

  1. Linda W. says:

    Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! I did too. I think the friends I hung out with have Isle of Skye. Have you played One Night Werewolf? If so, did you know a sequel to that is out? (One Night Ultimate Werewolf.) I feel behind in games!

    • Andy says:

      I’ve definitely fallen way behind in games since the pandemic. One Night Werewolf is unfortunately the kind of game I like in principle but avoid in practice because I’m so bad at it. My brain freezes trying to figure out what to say. I always breathe a sigh of relief when I get to be a villager. I’m glad your Thanksgiving was also great!

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