Weeknote for 6/9/2024



I filled in my linguistics knowledge with Essentials of Linguistics and “Introduction to Lexicography for FieldWorks Language Explorer.” These helped me contemplate the features of my mnemonic language.



I set up a tentative sequence for rotating through my walking spots during the work week. I chose each day’s location based on my mood that day, and I planned to repeat the cycle the next week to see if it still felt right. I also decided that in contrast with my earlier policy of walking inside on hot days, I care enough about my nature walks now to raise my heat threshold from 80 to at least 85 (about 27 to 29 for the Celsius users among us).

The rain has done its job of filling the ponds—a little too well in some places. One exception is the continuing low level of the lake close to work, and I think the reason is it has to share its water with the new pond the park landscapers seem to have dug a little way up the creek.



I gained a new appreciation for short films thanks to Tim Egan’s Curve, a suspense about a woman in a precarious situation. The mysterious scenario was intriguing enough to stick in my mind long afterward and send me down a rabbit hole learning about the Hoover Dam and down a water hole with a drone’s eye view through the Lake Berryessa spillway. Egan’s film reminded me that when it’s done well, short fiction can pack a punch. So I watched a few more, including Final Moments about a boy facing a nuclear strike.

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