Weeknote for 6/16/2024



I got tired of my tiredness and prioritized sleep. This is part of an approach of trying to aim my activities at key tasks in my schedule rather than simply focusing on each one as if it were the most important and I could take all the time I needed. I’ve known for ages that sleep is the key to my productivity, but that week was one of the rare times that I convince myself to “waste” a day catching up on it, and as always, it helped a lot.

I took a page from agile software development and tried writing my weeknotes in thin vertical slices. That is, I identified each feature of my weeknote format, and I add them each in steps across the whole weeknote I’m working on—so all the headings, then all the summary statements, then the emoji, then each elaboration statement, then links and images. That way I can stop working when I run out of time and still have some form of usable post.



I inched back into cooking with my old taco salad mix. I found myself craving it recently, so I decided it’d be a good place to start adding some cooking back into my routine. I’m still going to rely mostly on family size frozen meals so I have several days of meals with little effort, but it was getting kinda boring, so I figure adding one of my custom meals every cooking cycle or two will still let me save time while adding some variety.



I continued my movie watching trend with Tenet: 4 out of 5. It was certainly confusing in places, partly because of the concept and partly because political/spy stories always confuse me. And while the puzzley aspect of the story was interesting, I felt the human elements of it were kind of flat and overly tropey, and that repeatedly pulled me out of the experience. Still, it was well executed and overall fun, and I could watch it again, so it gets 4 stars from me.

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