Weeknote for 8/4/2024



I collected my plans for the initial Kanban changes to my Notion system. I got through taking notes on Personal Kanban, except for the whole-book synthesis notes that I’m in the middle of, and I wrote some initial thoughts on integrating Kanban with my Notion system.

I never really used the board views I’d already created because I didn’t understand how they’d help, but now that I know, introducing actual Kanban will just require some modifications to those: (1) adding some columns to manage my prioritizing process, (2) adding column sets to represent workflows for specific task types, and (3) experimenting with a way to represent work-in-progress limits on the columns.

On project iterations, I’m experimenting with dropping them, since they weren’t working anyway, and going back to the bad old days of switching projects at will, except that this time with Kanban and the rest of my productivity system I have tools and practices that should let me be more disciplined about it rather than switching on a whim.

This week I’ll update my Kanban setup, continue taking notes on my Kanban sources, and think through what my Zettelkasten sources are suggesting about organizing my notes.



I made the acquaintance of a snapping turtle. Monday I was walking at my usual Monday spot, the park down the street from work, and someone approaching me down the path paused and walked around a large, stone-like object in the middle of it. When I got closer, I saw it was a very still turtle, a snapping turtle according to my app, so of course, I had to film while watching to see if it was alive, and lo and behold, it moved! It seemed a little dismayed by my attention, so I retreated to give it more space. Sadly, when I came back around the loop, it was nowhere to be seen, and all that was left was a small, bubbly puddle that looked like drool, which I hoped meant it had hidden itself in the woods and not that it had been carried off by someone. I had read that snapping turtles emerge from the water to go lay their eggs, so I’m assuming that’s what this one was doing.


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One Response to Weeknote for 8/4/2024

  1. Linda W. says:

    How cool that you saw a snapping turtle!

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