Despite purportedly being on a summer housekeeping project, I did no housekeeping except to replace my carbon monoxide detector. It beeped to let me know it needed replacing at 9:30 at night. So I ordered one to pick up the next day and spent a cold night with the windows open in case of a freak CO incident.
Bing AI has been helping me code some small productivity tools. The main one is a time announcer using AutoHotkey. It speaks the time every five minutes to combat my time blindness. AutoHotkey and the Windows text-to-speech feature are a mystery to me, and the chatbot gave me a running start in working with them.
I’m putting cooking on pause while I continue my quest to carve out time for my projects. My latest experiment is family size frozen meals. I still have a few meals to cook before I start on those.
My software development notes are on hold, but I snuck in some work anyway. I explored requirements management tools and the idea of writing all the requirements as acceptance tests.
During a spontaneous second walk on Saturday, I caught on video the elusive jumping fish of a neighborhood pond.
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