We got into the swing of our still low-key vacation. Once Abbie and Colleen arrived, our family gathering felt complete and a bit livelier, though overall it was another quiet week of Christmas together, which mostly suited me fine. We did our collaborative grocery shopping, decorated the tree, cooked, watched TV, sat around talking or reading, attended our Christmas Eve service, opened presents, walked in the woods and around the neighborhood, shopped at Half Price Books, and did a bunch of eating.
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To go with my productivity system overhaul this year, my gift tags were miniature Kanban boards with Christmas tasks. I wrote the tasks on sticky notes that I arranged in status columns on dry erase sheets, which I sealed in plastic bags to shield them from the elements. The tasks on each board related to the person’s vacation activities. I did stay up a little late Christmas Eve finishing them, but it was because I was waiting till the last responsible moment, when I had the most info about what we’d done and what we’d be doing.
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My New Year’s “resolutions” are taking shape. I was never big on those, and with my increasingly systematic way of life, I thought they were definitely a thing of the past. But after feeling inspired by my family to try some new things, or at least retry some old ones, I realized I do still make something like New Year’s resolutions, but they’re more like themes for prioritizing my projects. I want to read more fiction, drink more tea, cook more meals, bake more cookies, socialize more, get back to my decorating and other creative projects, and maybe get around to some gardening. Will I get to all that? Maybe not, but they’ve been nudged up the list.
My experiment with proactively managing my vacation activity was a success. I woke up at a reasonably early time, paid attention to what the group was doing, and fit my activities into it the way I do when I’m improvising with the worship team. Then I focused on getting through each task in the order it needed to be finished. It was all so effective, I even had time to get bored once or twice.
I closed in on the final few days of my 2024 Bible reading and prepared for 2025’s reading plan and devotions. My devotions in 2024 waxed and waned, but once I came back to them over the last couple of months, I ended up with a vague sense of mission, which I hope will gain more definition over the next year. My devotions for 2025 will mostly be a thematic Bible study on discipleship. It’s a very broad topic, so to start with I’ll try to give it more shape. I’ll also listen through the whole Bible again, this time using David Suchet’s reading of the NIVUK in the YouVersion app. With lots of help from Claude, I created a spreadsheet for 2025’s reading plan based on a Puritan system my dad had assembled into physical bookmarks.