That’s better

Well, as I thought, the manuscript wasn’t nearly ready by the end of the day. At around 4:30 my boss said he’d call the client and see if they’d let us give it to them tomorrow afternoon, and they did. Reason sometimes exists in the world. That should give us enough time to finish things in a quality manner.

I also got a two-week renewal on my Superman books, so now I have time to finish taking notes on my observations and don’t have to rerequest them.

I had no DVDs to watch tonight during dinner, so I read MegaTokyo instead and thought about random things. One of them wasn’t so random. I’ve been pondering my future, which actually I do often and I will comment on some other time, and tonight I was wishing I could live multiple lives at once. That would be ideal. I asked myself what I would do with these lives. In one of them I would be a computer programmer. In another I would be a graphic artist. I probably wouldn’t be a creative writer in any of them. I like the idea of writing stories, but not full time. Then in two others, of course, I would live out my main options of philosophy professor and psychotherapist.

These thoughts reminded me of my friend Andrew, who is a programmer and works with graphic artists. He has a company called Bareknuckle Software that was supposed to have their website up sometime soon, so I decided to check on it. And whaddya know! There it was. Your screen resolution has to be at least 1152 x 864 to accommodate the flash window, but I think high screen resolutions are normal for computer graphics people. I have absolutely no use for software like theirs, but I downloaded the demo anyway just to see what my friend had done. πŸ™‚ In the extremely unlikely event (unless you’re Ivo) that you are a computer graphics person and you have sequences of image files that you need to manhandle, you should give it a look. Read the “About Us” too. πŸ˜‰

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I’ve been working 11-hour days trying to get this manuscript ready for Monday, and I was planning to put a lot in today, too, but after church I was so tired. So I took a nap, but I was interrupted by this loud whapping and clanking sound outside. It was hail hitting my window. We had a storm. It didn’t rain too heavily, but there was thunder and that loud hail. There was no way I could get back to sleep with that going on. It lasted 10 or 20 minutes, and I went into the living room to try to sleep on the sofa, but by then was too awake, though still tired.

The rest of the day I just completely didn’t feel like working, and now it’s my normal bed time, so I’m going to go to bed and hopefully be rested and able to zoom through the rest of the work tomorrow. I predict we won’t get the manuscript to them until Tuesday.

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I grew up on superheroes, mainly the ones from the DC universe. I watched the Super Friends, the Superman movies, Wonder Woman, Batman. I had the action figures, storytapes, coloring books, and we have pictures of me in a Superman Halloween costume. Superman was my favorite. Well, I’m in nostalgia mode these days, and I’m always in research mode, so when the first Spider-Man movie came out, I wondered how easy it would be to track down the first Spider-Man comics to find out how the character got his start. It’s the kind of thing I’m always looking for, the real story, the genuine article, roots and origins. What was Spider-Man like when Stan Lee first conceived of him, and what was his story? And while I was at it, why not Superman? It turned out to be easier than I expected. Marvel and DC are both publishing collections of just this sort of thing, bound reprints of their early comics, and for many of their characters.

I remember my childhood only vaguely. And I was even more oblivious while watching the Super Friends than watching Deep Space Nine when I was older, so I have only the most nebulous idea of what the show was about, and the plots escape me entirely. I only know that I loved it. Other than the pure, “Ah, those were the days” feeling, in this nostalgia-seeking phase I’m in I want to try to remember exactly what it was I loved about these things. Maybe I can recapture some of the imagination I had back then. But I also want to find out what was there beyond what my little mind could pick up. What did Superman stand for as a cultural icon? How did he get that way? What is it about people that would motivate them to create such characters? Why was I so captivated by them?

And so, several weeks ago, I began. I tracked down the first Superman comic ever, in the form of the Superman Action Comics Archives: Volume 1. I am now on volume 2. I’m taking notes along the way, which I’ll probably share with you at some point. It made me happy to realize that now I’m reading real comics. Not the sophisticated, Frank Miller stuff. Superman, as he was when he was creating the comic book industry (or so I’m told). I never read them growing up. Comic books are an expensive hobby.

Anyway, my plan is to read all the Superman comics that have been published in book form. I’m also hoping to start on other superheros before long. There’s Batman and Wonder Woman and the Flash and the Green Lantern and Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk and a bunch that I never got into when I was young.

And so you have my (clumsily-written) introduction to my great Superman adventure. Hmm, I started reading a Superman story last night and didn’t get to finish. I think I’ll read the rest of it right now.

Posted in Aesthetics | 2 Comments

I’m posting two days in a row!

Okay, back to Farscape. I had seen it mentioned in TV Guide and on forums, but I had no idea what it was about other than aliens. I thought maybe it was similar to Babylon 5. I didn’t know what Firefly was about either. It turned out that the two shows have a lot in common, although they have very different feels. They both take place on ships, of course, with crews that are outlaws. Both ships have picked up random passengers who have been forced to integrate with the crew. Both crews are trying to avoid the big bad authorities–the Peacekeepers in Farscape’s case and the Alliance in Firefly’s. The shows are similar enough that I’ve been getting them confused. It took me a minute to remember that, yes, Firefly was the one with reavers. And during one episode of Farscape I thought, you know, they should be more careful when they’re visiting these planets. Who knows who could see them and contact the authorities? They should probably stick to the outer planets. And then I realized that they only talk about the outer planets on Firefly!

But the shows are really very different. Farscape is quirky (it’s a Jim Henson production!), but it has a fairly conventional sci fi feel and a lot of the usual sci fi elements. Firefly is basically a Western in space. The sci fi elements are kept to a minimum. In fact, at this point I don’t even know how they manage interstellar travel. Both shows balance humor and serious issue exploration, but Firefly does a better job of it. It’s more nuanced and more natural. Its characters are drastically different from each other, but they are ordinary people, not the somewhat stylized aliens of Farscape. Still, Farscape does a good enough job in my opinion. Overall, I’d say I like them both in different ways.

But the fact that I was expecting Babylon 5 when I started on Farscape makes me want to watch Babylon 5. πŸ™‚ Maybe I’ll try watching that together with the new Battlestar Galactica and see what happens. Those seem different enough to keep straight. Or the old Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers. I get those completely confused, mostly because I can barely remember them.

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you what I’ve been reading.

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Current preoccupations

Hello. It’s time I blogged again. I really wish I did more of it, and perhaps I will. I am again trying to get control of my daily routine. Time. My nemesis. Anyway, in the 30 minutes I have left till I am supposed to go to bed, I will tell you what I’ve been up to.

Mostly I’ve been watching DVDs of TV shows. Before it was only TNG (Star Trek: The Next Generation), which I’ve been working through for the past year or so. The next Star Trek series, Deep Space Nine, began in season 6 of TNG, so I started the DS9 DVDs when I got to that point. I was looking forward to it because although I had found the show boring when it first aired, the people at TrekBBS spoke highly of it, as if it were really the most sophisticated Star Trek series. And you know what? They were right. I was pretty dense when it came to following plots and character development back in the old days, and I didn’t care about the things the show was about, like society and politics, but now that I’m a little more aware and open to new things, I was hooked right off the bat. I posted this on TrekBBS, and they welcomed me to the club. πŸ™‚ They also told me it gets better (I was almost at the end of season 3), which I pretty much already knew. I started season 4 tonight, and all I’ll say is that those writers sure weren’t afraid to shake things up! Well, wouldn’t want the galaxy to stagnate I guess.

Those DVDs were from the public library. Then I discovered Netflix. Of course, I had heard of it before. I just didn’t think I’d ever watch enough movies to justify a monthly fee. But as time went on and my list of obscure things to watch grew, particularly TV series on DVD, the siren call of Netflix grew too tempting, and about a week ago I signed up. The first series I’ve been renting is Firefly, which I’ve been watching with my brother. We’re becoming instant fans so we can watch the movie in the right frame of mine. And it hasn’t been hard. That was a good show! It sticks in the mind. I hope Joss Whedon can start it up again after the movie. He’s said he’s willing.

While waiting for Firefly DVDs, we’ve been watching another series (from the library), Farscape. But I will have to continue this tomorrow. Good night!

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E-rent payment is fired!

This online rent payment service my apartment offers has messed up again. Last time, the payment was made, but apparently the apartment office didn’t get the e-mail to inform them. This time the payment wasn’t even made. My e-mail was down last week because of my missing domain, so I didn’t get the e-mail I should have gotten to confirm my rent payment, and last night I remembered that I needed to check the site to make sure everything was all right. It wasn’t. The last payment was for last month’s rent, and for some reason the automatic payment option I had turned on was now turned off. I, of course, was infuriated. Inconveniences that threaten my life maintenance like that are one of the few things that make me really angry. But there was nothing I could do to resolve it until the office opened, and that wouldn’t happen until the morning, or if they were closed on Labor Day (which they are, it turns out), Tuesday morning. So I watched another episode of DS9 to calm myself down and went to bed. I feel better now. Hopefully they will understand that this was another technological mess up and won’t hold it against me. I’m relying on God to make that happen. But one thing is certain–I’ll be hand delivering my rent from now on.

Posted in Life maintenance | 2 Comments

The Thinkulum is back!

As you may have noticed, my site was down from 8-27 to 9-2. This is because my webhosting got renewed automatically but my domain did not, and I didn’t realize that until it disappeared. And then the domain took a while to resolve after I paid for the renewal. But now that’s all fixed. I meant to write this on the day my domain came back, but I didn’t get around to it. I did write about it on my Xanga blog, however. So let that be a lesson to you! Pay attention to your renewal dates!

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What is it I have against writing?

I used to be good at staying on top of my e-mail. I wrote to people constantly. If communication dropped off, I was always the last person to send a message. I was always doing research and writing essays on my favorite topics. When I wasn’t doing that I journaled.

But now when I have something to write, I put it off for weeks, even months. It’s like I can’t be bothered to think. Why do I do this?? This is not good for my future! I believe the thought process goes something like this:

– I don’t have as much time as I used to.
– I’m a slow writer to begin with.
– Everything I want to write about seems so much more complicated now and would require so much more thought to write well about it.
– I have a bunch of other stuff I want to do, too (things that take less work!), so I don’t want to spend all evening writing one little thing.
– My mind feels blank, as if I have nothing to say.

I need to get over this. It worries me. Sometime later I’ll write more about why. (haha)

Posted in Psychology | Leave a comment


Studyhound, thanks! You’re absolutely right! That honestly never occurred to me, but I’m behind on my RSS awareness. I now have an RSS feed! (The link is at the bottom of the page.)

Incidentally, here’s the info for TWeb’s RSS feed. Why does everything on that site have to be buried, disguised, or hidden??

Why, oh why, did I ignore RSS for so long, when it’s so useful? Because I thought it would be hard to figure out, even though it’s called Really Simple Syndication. I didn’t believe the name. Actually, I still wouldn’t if WordPress didn’t create the feed automatically.

For my own RSS aggregation, I’m using RssReader because that was the first one that came up on Google.

Posted in Site updates | 4 Comments

Work is fine

To answer April’s question, work is going well. I’m starting to get my schedule back under control, so my work hours are more normal and I can leave at a decent hour. Last week I was getting there at 9:00 or earlier, which is the time I’m supposed to be there. Friday we finished our impossible Bible project–or at least the phase of it that I’m involved in–and it isn’t due until noon tomorrow. No other huge, urgent things are hanging over my head at the moment, and no interpersonal strife is occurring that I’m aware of. And when those two conditions are fulfilled, work is good.

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