Hello. I’ve been kinda busy the last three weeks! Here are some highlights.
– I finally finished reading the Sluggy Freelance archives, and it is now tied with GPF as the best webcomic in the universe, or it’s a close 2nd. It was kind of depressing to realize I wouldn’t be able to sit and read it for hours anymore, but then I remembered that I wanted to read MegaTokyo, and that cheered me up. It’s putting me in the mood for anime.
– My programming tasks at work continue to expand, which is great. People are starting to bog me down with editing stuff, but a lot of times I can turn those into programming jobs too. π Eventually I will work my way into every aspect of the company. They won’t be able to operate without me, and the place with be mine!!!! Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa! Okay, not really. Running the whole company would take too much work.
– My brother Michael came back from France the Wednesday before last and has been staying at my apartment. Mostly we’ve been watching DS9. We’ve gotten through the whole first season. I’ve also gotten him hooked on TheologyWeb. Tomorrow he’s moving into his new place.
– Our mom came to visit us last Thursday and stayed until today (well, technically yesterday). It was nice having her here. Friday we went to see Batman Begins (which I’d already seen but enjoyed the second time, too), and Saturday we went to the Macaroni Grill with our friends from our old church. She also helped Michael with his car shopping, which was a relief to me. Since I had bought a car for the first time earlier this year and this was also his first car buying experience, somehow I felt responsible for making sure he knew what he was doing and made a good decision. I felt like I was buying a car all over again. I took him for his first test drive, but she went with him the rest of the time, and not being there for all that took the load off my mind. It seems to be turning out okay.
– Today for lunch we went to the Cracker Barrel, which was a surreal experience. I didn’t know there was one in the area. The Cracker Barrel for our family has always been a Southern road trip restaurant. I felt like we must be in Tennessee on our way to visit relatives. It was weird to realize I could just go there anytime. And the country ambience seemed very out of place in the Chicago suburbs!
– Today I also got to see my friend Tim again. He’s so busy these days that it’s hard even to get ahold of him. But his schedule is more relaxed this month. We watched part of Metropolis, but we got started late and didn’t finish it.
– Last week via an office birthday party I discovered Dove ice cream bars. They’re vanilla ice cream covered by a thick shell of dark chocolate! Yum!!! So I’ve been buying them to share with people. If you try some, get the kind with “Original DOVE® Chocolate.” That’s the dark chocolate kind.
– The week before last a book I ordered two months ago finally came in the mail. It was pretty much my own fault, though. I ordered it over Amazon and accidentally had the seller send it to my old address. The post office forwarded it to my current address, but for some reason I didn’t see the slip telling me to pick it up, so it got sent back to the seller. Meanwhile I was writing back and forth with the seller trying to resolve things. He was going to send me another copy, but then the book reached him and he mailed it back to me, with the correct address this time. So now I have it: From Minister to Honest Doubter: How I Changed My Mind by John Loftus. He has a similar educational background to mine, so it’ll be interesting to read his arguments. I found out about it through TWeb, and JP Holding has already posted his rebuttal/ridicule page. I want to finish reading the book before reading it though.