
I’m so excited! Sometimes I get so excited I can hardly think, my mind is going in so many directions at once, and this is one of those times. I’ve just been told that programming is about to become most of my job instead of only just a little part of it! Now, I know you’re saying, “Oh, how awful, I’m so sorry. … Umm, aren’t you an editorial assistant?” Yes! Isn’t it great? πŸ˜€ At my job I’m not limited to my job! My employers like to match the skills and interests of their employees to the needs of the company, and right now they need me to program! And the kind of programming they want is related to the kinds of things I’ve been wanting to program for them anyway, and their instructions were very open ended. So they’ve pretty much given me permission to go crazy! πŸ˜€ At least that’s the way I’ve decided to interpret it. πŸ˜‰ I’ll be working with the production department. We’re going to meet next week to start working out what we want to do.

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I just got off the phone with my old friend Aaron! (He’s probably reading this–hi, Aaron!) I haven’t talked to him in years! He was one of the first people I met at college, and we’ve been good friends ever since. After college he went off to study in England and we sort of lost touch, and I had been procrastinating on e-mailing him, but today he made that unnecessary by calling me! Ah, it’s so good to get back in touch with people.

Oh, and Aaron … don’t forget to go here!

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I’m back!

Actually I got back Sunday night. The weekend wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be, as usual, and instead I had a nice time. It was good to see a lot of my old friends from college and meet a few new people and to see some people from my old church who live in my area but who I never visit. I didn’t get to stay for the reception because I goofed in my planning, but I was around for all the other important parts of the weekend.

John and Lisa are quite a pair. I was trying to think of what the highlight of the weekend was for me, and I realized that all of it was the highlight. They really know how to put together a meaningful event. At least I know John does because he’s always been that way. I don’t know Lisa as well, although she’s the kind of person who, once you meet her, you feel like you’ve known all your life. John’s probably that way, too.

The summary: Friday night, guys’ night out. Saturday morning, picnic. Saturday evening, rehearsal. After the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner avec stories about John and Lisa (if I had to pick a highlight, it would be this). Sunday afternoon, wedding pictures with their super-efficient photographer. After that, wedding (in which I was a groomsman). After that, airport (instead of reception).

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Away this weekend

Tomorrow I’ll be on a plane to Colorado to be in my friend John’s wedding. Weddings are good things and all, but this weekend is going to be stressful. I’ll be glad when it’s over, to be honest. But I will get to stay with my other friend Cam, who lives in the same city and will also be in the wedding. That should be a relaxing element.

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We’re finally done with this project! At least with the initial push. But now we know what we’re doing, and I think that in the future we won’t have to give the client so much material at once.

Now I will spend the rest of the day playing Flash games. Excuse me. *hums* hmm-hm-hmm *click, click* Oh, I’ll put in my headphones so I don’t disturb anyone. *shoop* (me putting on my headphones) *click, click*

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Yes, I’m complaining

Well, I randomly decided to take a short nap at 4 am that turned into three hours, and thus I didn’t get as much done as I could have, but oh well. We wouldn’t have finished everything anyway, it turns out. Fortunately the client is flexible, so we have the weekend to finish things up. Goody. I’ve been procrastinating on it, but after I finish this entry I’ll get started. I can’t wait till next week is over. The whole week will be spent completing the next part of this project, and then we’ll be done with it for a while. They’ll want more material in the future, but it won’t be so much in such a short time (as far as I know). After next week, I have nothing planned. After the past month or two of madness, I hope this means I’ll be bored.

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Fatigue, begone!

I am appalled that my body is adjusting to this new schedule. I’m not supposed to be tired at 11:30 at night. I feel like it’s 2 in the morning (my normal bedtime). I have hours of work left to do! Well, I will not succumb. I have plenty of Wild Cherry Pepsi to keep me going, plus my iron will (stop laughing!) that is determined to get this project done on time.

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Finally an update!

At long last I have updated my website. I meant to do this a month ago, but I kept getting distracted by life.

The main changes are that I’ve reorganized and I’ve added a bunch of links. For the reorganization I got rid of the Miscellaneous page and moved its contents to other places. Science went into Computers, People into the blog, and Life Maintenance got its own page.

The links in this first round of link posting are places on the web that I call home. They’re either places that I visit often or places I plan to explore in the future or places I used to visit a lot that are still important to me or places that represent things that are significant to me even though I don’t usually visit the sites themselves.

I’ve also made some minor changes to a few of the introductions, specifically the site, weblog, philosophy, aesthetics, and computers intros. I’m considering the life maintenance intro new, even though it’s partly recycled from the miscellaneous intro.

And I made some minor formatting changes here and there and declared the site version 1.1.

Also, I’ve decided to associate my TWeb blog with my TWeb activity rather than with my other blogs, so I won’t be reporting my updates to that blog here.

I rebelled against my new schedule and stayed up late to finish this update. And you know what? It was worth it!

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So tired

I am so tired. Even typing is taking effort. I haven’t gotten enough sleep lately–a combination of going to bed a little too late and getting up on time for the past week or so. But that’s okay. It’s better than going to bed way too late and getting up way too late. It means I’m halfway to my goal.

But what really killed me was the last two hours of work today. I was SO STRESSED. I think that’s the most overwhelmed I’ve ever felt at work. I felt like I was about to explode. It was a case of having too much to do in too little time. And then the office got kind of loud in a Friday afternoon sort of way, and I just couldn’t handle it. So in lieu of going ballistic and taking off people’s heads, I frantically grabbed all my stuff and rushed out the door. The quiet outside was heavenly. The ride home was slightly harrowing, since it was rush hour and a few other people seemed to be in a similar mood, but once I got home all I felt was fatigue.

I have the impression that some people go through this every day. Unless their business is saving lives, it seems to me they should seriously rethink their line of work and maybe their approach to life in general. But maybe I’m just saying that because I’m a Nine and don’t like unpleasant emotions.

On the bright side, I did get to watch Enterprise tonight, and you know what? I actually liked it! It’s the first time since the premiere that I’ve been able to simply enjoy an episode without feeling uneasy about the acting or some other problem. I actually found myself thinking it was too bad there are only a few episodes left.

Well, I still have an hour of work left to do today, so I will drag my way through it. I came up with a strategy on the way home for how to approach this project, so I should be okay. Plus I’ve calmed down since 5.

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Fine, whatever

My new key verse at work is Exodus 5:10-14.

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