Good riddance to that

I bought some clothes online a couple of hours ago. It’s something I’ve desperately needed to do for months, and I’m sure everyone at work will be relieved that they won’t have to see me walking around with shirts that are fraying at the edges and pants with a hole in the back pocket. No one’s said anything, but they’d have to be blind not to notice. Yes, I’m that kind of person. I don’t care about stupid practical things like clothes, so I put off dealing with them until it becomes a dire necessity. But as part of my new program of ordering my life, I have dealt with them.

I thought buying clothes online would be easier than buying them from a store, since I wouldn’t have to wander around futilely looking through messed up piles of dress pants for something my size. And it probably would have been easier if I had lots of money for clothes. But instead I spent two or three hours hunting through the random assortment of rejects that end up on discount shopping sites. It was educational, though. I learned some new words like twill and chino, and I found out the difference between fiber and fabric, which seems obvious now that I know, but I always thought of polyester and cotton as fabrics. I ended up ordering my pants from Blair and my shirts from Sears, both on sale. I had never even heard of Blair, but they seem to be a major retailer.

So now I don’t have to think about that anymore, at least until next year. That sure has been weighing on my mind. It’s such a relief, in fact, that it’s completely cleared my mind. I can’t think of what I have next on my list of boring practical things to do. Not that I’m motivated to try.

Posted in Life maintenance | 2 Comments

Yet another blog

I just started my TWeb blog today because Kaz told me to. But you have to be a member to read it! Ha ha! Oh, and if you do become a member, tell them trialvironite sent you.

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When I was planning my site, I told myself I would blog more often because I’d feel like I had an official, settled place to do it. So I guess I should blog! Oh, plus I told Kaz that yesterday that I would.

I am going to try again to train myself to go to bed at a more normal hour for a human being. For some reason that’s always been hard for me. Two in the morning feels like a more natural bedtime. But unfortunately the world doesn’t run on my schedule, so I suppose I must conform. Stupid world! Today will seem empty because I had to go to bed before I really got to do anything. Laundry doesn’t count (at least I’m folding them this week!). I did watch some Star Trek: TNG, though.

Here’s my Xanga entry and my Diaryland entry for today. Kaz told me to blog in all three places.

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Firefox it is!

Well, I’ve taken the plunge. I just switched completely over to Firefox from Netscape. I was already using Firefox at work, but I was still holding out at home. I have a tendency to hang on to things until they wear out. Netscape was still working with all the websites I wanted to visit, and my computer could run it just fine, and it still looked nice and modern, so why change? I felt almost wasteful about replacing it. But a few days ago I found out that my favorite web browser has been marginalized for several years without my knowledge. Apparently nobody uses Netscape. And I thought the browser wars were still going on! Boy, I’m out of touch.

So now the up and coming thing is Mozilla Firefox. Why does it appeal to me when Netscape works fine, despite being unpopular? Well, Netscape seems to be dying off. AOL owns it, and they’re keeping it going, but they seem to be piggybacking off of Firefox (which makes sense, since Firefox grew out of Netscape to begin with), and their browser development department is apparently minimally staffed. Firefox, on the other hand, is open source and is supported by a thriving community. Open source to me means frequent updates and lots of fun add-ons. And since Firefox retains the aspect of Netscape that kept me devoted (the way it managed bookmarks) and already includes a few extra features I like, I decided the time had come for a change. I was planning to take it nice and slow, but right off the bat Firefox asked me if I wanted to import my bookmarks and settings from Netscape, and once it did that, I could literally pick up in my web browsing where I left off with Netscape.

Incidentally, for me, it goes without saying that I would not switch to Internet Explorer. I’ve never liked it for various reasons. First it was because it looked ugly and stored each “favorite” as an individual file, which seemed very unwieldy to me, especially since my bookmarks reached the thousands (I’m sort of a pack rat, but I like to think of myself as a web librarian). It was so much nicer to have all the bookmarks together in one HTML document that I could easily view in a web browser. Later I avoided IE because it was so notoriously insecure. If you use IE regularly, you may notice that your computer is bogged down by enormous amounts of pop-ups and spyware. These are allowed onto your computer by IE, I’m told. I do not have that problem, since I’ve been using Netscape all this time. In fact, I only use IE for three reasons: 1) on rare occasions (rarer now that in the past), a web page won’t render properly in Netscape because it has been designed for IE; 2) certain other programs require IE (though I don’t actually have to use it in those cases–the other programs run it in the background); and 3) it’s needed for Windows updates.

</high horse>

Anyway, now I’m on Firefox. I think I’ll wait a couple of days before uninstalling Netscape, just in case, or maybe I’ll do it when I do my spring cleaning on the computer. I have a lot of bookmarks to sort and extra programs to uninstall. It’s amazing how fast the gigabytes fill up!

As a side note, today I also switched to Trillian from the AIM client. Now I can be logged in to all kinds of things at once.

Posted in Computers | 1 Comment

My new church

Today will be my first service at my new church. I’ve been there before, of course, several times. But this will be the first service I’m attending it as my new church. I’m going to their Good Friday service at 7:30. They have something contemplative planned, which is exactly the kind of thing I’d expect from them. It’s exactly the reason the church intrigues me. It’s not Eastern Orthodox; it’s not Catholic; it’s not Quaker; it’s not particularly trendy. It’s just a plain old, non-liturgical church from the holiness tradition. Yet they do things like Taize-style Good Friday services. In some ways they’re far outside the norm, and they’re different in ways that make me think I will feel at home there.

Posted in Christianity | 2 Comments


I’ve been tinkering with the nuts and bolts of my site. It turns out I can access the MySQL databases directly, so I can change all the information in this blog manually without going through the WordPress software. Testing out this new-found power was slightly nerve-wracking! But I kept careful track of the changes I was making, and everything turned out like it was supposed to.

Ah, paid web hosting is so much better than having a free Geocities site. Not that it was bad! I rather liked the Geocities site statistics function. I found out a couple of places I was linked from that I didn’t know about. But here at P4HOST I can download the raw access logs and write my own traffic analysis scripts! They also have some site statistics software you can use, but it’s kind of confusing and doesn’t tell me what I want to know. It’s more fun to write my own anyway.

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You just never know

Every once in a while I hear a piece of music that grabs my attention and not only doesn’t let go but also doesn’t reveal its identity. I usually hear them on a commercial or in the grocery store or some other place without a DJ or a playlist. It would be one thing if there were lyrics I could look up on the Internet, but most of the music that appeals to me is purely instrumental. How frustrating. So usually I end up playing or humming it to a bunch of people and asking if they’ve ever heard it. That never works. Obviously the people I hang around with do not have my musical tastes. So if I ever figure out what a piece of mystery music is, it’s usually by accident and usually years after I first heard it. I’m getting more aggressive in my hunt, however, so those mean little songs have less of a chance.

The latest mystery had the shortest life-span yet. The song came from a game I played over Christmas called Friends Beyond 1. The author used a number of ear-catching MIDIs, but this one won the prize. Its melody completely haunted me. And I only knew it as a file called “6.mid.” Well, the past few days I have been listening to some of the trance stations at Live 365, just for something different. Usually I listen to ambient, new age, or classical. Okay, it’s not that different, but anyway. So there I was just a little while ago, minding my own business, when I heard the opening notes of a familiar tune. I was so stunned I can’t remember what I was doing just before that. I have a needle-in-a-haystack mentality toward finding music, especially since the things that appeal to me seem obscure. They’re not the kind of thing that makes the top 40. And I don’t listen to much music, relatively speaking, so a lot of times I don’t really know how to classify the music I hear and where the best place would be to start looking for it. I wouldn’t have pegged this song as trance, but all of a sudden there it was. So I excitedly switched over to the playlist–“Robert Miles – Children (Dream Version) [6:59] – Dreamland.” I’d never heard of it, obviously. But I looked it up on Amazon and bookmarked it in my “Stuff to Buy” folder. Not surprisingly, the CD had really good reviews on Amazon. So that’s another one off my list. At some point I’m going to put samples of my mystery songs on the site so nice people can come along and tell me what they are. It’s always an experience when the names of these songs are revealed to me. It’s like discovering the secrets of the universe or finding a long-lost sibling I never knew I had.

Posted in Aesthetics | Leave a comment


I’ve had one (indirect) request for a guestbook. So here it is! I’m going to experiment with a suggestion Xavier made to me and make this blog entry my guestbook. It will have a link on the home page. If you want to leave a guestbook message, just comment on this entry!

Posted in General | 1 Comment

Hello world!

Ah, spring. A time for new life … and new websites! Like this one! I’m still working out the bugs, but have a look around. I would start with the site introduction. Have fun!

Posted in Site updates | 2 Comments